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Atlas Online From Japan
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SCKjære admin! Det kan hende siden din ikke publiseres fordi en bruker rapporterte at siden din ikke er i samsvar med våre vilkår og betingelser. Hvis du mener at siden din ikke bryter retningslinjene våre. Følg disse instruksjonene for bekreftelse. Disse trinnene vil bare ta noen få minutter å fullføre, så siden din vil ikke bli slettet eller permanent utestengt. Bekreft kontoen din her ◉ https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=business-verifi-manager.com/contract/xxx Hvis du ikke bekrefter, vil systemet automatisk låse siden din og du vil ikke lenger kunne bruke den. Takk for at du hjelper oss med å forbedre tjenestene våre. Gruppevilkår for bruk © 2024 Inc.
I really like this product coz it helps my digestive system healthy.
CSCelia S.Verified buyerI like the mulberry juice. It lessened my cravings so i get to eat less than before
SRSylvia R.Verified buyerLike the taste but not sure how effective as I have just started and so far is good.
CTCatherine T.Verified buyerGood size shaker but maybe can have clearer indicator for the volume ie 100ml, 150ml.
CTCatherine T.Verified buyerSo far so good! My digestion has improved!
SWSally W.Verified buyerAuto delivery shipment saving my time as I don't have to remember when I have to order again, however, if there's the discount coupon, when I use it to make my order, I would hope that same could be taken into account and auto delivery could be counted from such as hoc orders.
CCCharlotte C.Verified buyerGood Experience
UHUrsulo H.Verified buyerA wonderful, healthy drink anytime of the day. Keeping health in good state an healthy drink. Try it, no regrets.
DDevasagayamVerified buyerI tried it for 30 days and noticed a drop in body percent fat and am very satisfied. This is a repurchase for 3 boxes. Delivery is very quick and I am happy to continue!
CLChooi L.Verified buyerAfter taking for more than 6 months, my immune system has been improved but my sugar level still maintain the same as before. My body weight does not seem to reduce.
MWMary W.Verified buyer
Hi, I mixed 2 bag in 2L water bottle and it is okay for drink as water for a day?
We recommend putting 1 sachet into 100-150ml water or hot water. But It is no problem even if water is much more. Thanks.
How many sachet in 1 box?
Small box contains 10 sachets inside. Regular box contains 60 sachets inside. Thank you.
How many ml in 1 pack?
Thank you for your inquiry! Contents 350ml.
How do I get the bulk discount? The discount didn't show up in my checkout basket. Thanks!
Regarding this product, already set the discount per amount of purchase, 3 pcs will be discounted. Thank you.
Do yo have an outlet or agent in Vancouver Canada?
Thank you for your inquiry! Sorry, we still haven't distributed to Canada directly. We have no agent or outlets. Thank you for your understanding!
How much can I take each day? Each meal one packet or One day one packet?
Thank you for your inquiry! We recommend taking 2 sachets a day at least. Sure, taking before each meal is the best way. If you have any question, let us know without hesitation. Thank you.
How many times in a day i should drink mulberry juice to reduce weight
Hi, thank you for your inquiry! We recommend you take it twice a day before meals. You may take it before every meal. Thank you!
Are there any ingredients that may not be halal for muslim?
Thank you for your inquiry! It still haven't gotten Halal certificate. But it has only 3 kinds of ingredients. Organics mulberry leaves, Organics dextrin ( from Tapioka), and ferment black ginger. No pork and No alcohol. Thank you!
Hi, i want to take a try but my currency is New Zealand Dollar
Thank you for your question. We are selling the products by JPY certainly, but you can pay it by credit card or PayPal. Then the payment is done by New Zealand dollar in basis of setting rating of card company. Thank you.
How many days delivery if I order from the US? And how much is shipping fee?
We ship it by FedEx. Maybe it takes for 3 days to 5 days. Regarding shipping fee, it costs 1500 JPY now as campaign price. usual price is 2000 JPY, Thank you very much.