So much to say, so I’ll keep it as short as I can. Lol Natasha you are a beautiful soul and your helping so many people with Nano Ojas and I’m forever thankful to you and Ragu!!! I’ve had immune issues since I was a child, the has led me to Osteo Arthrist in my right shoulder starting in my late 20’s, 30’s were miserable, had fibromyalgia for years, no energy, fatigue that you wouldn’t wish upon anyone, had gone to many doctors, gone to the emergency room and was on the edge of taking my own life as I couldn’t recognize the person that was looking back at me in the mirror! Before Nano I was finally starting to get back on the right track, I was feeling stronger had more energy and life was looking bright again. That is until the pandemic, something triggered my immune system and I started going backwards again, started feeling like I was getting flu like symptoms all the time, it’s a horrible roller coaster to be on and you get a few good days and then bam, flu like symptoms again. Long story short, I was getting depressed by being knocked down again and again because of my overreacting immune system. Until Nano Ojas! It wasn’t over night relief, I detoxed the 1st month, 2nd month was better and after the 2nd month it was like someone turned the light switch off on my immune system and it settled down. I haven’t felt sick since that dramatic turn of events! I still can’t believe it! 😁 I’ve been on it for 14 weeks now and the last 6 weeks have been sweet relief. All I can say is I asked god to bring a natural product that would help myself and my loved ones and this fell into my lap! 🙏🏻✨. The best part is, I know the best is yet to come from continued use of Nano Ojas, I will take this for the rest of my life. I’ve dealt with plaguing health issues my entire life, and now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My health was terrible for years, so please don’t expect it to work overnight. It Has to unwind whatever is going on in your body, and if you’ve been dealing with whatever it is for years, do yourself a favor and give it time to work. For me it was 2 months when I felt the change, for you it could be longer or shorter. You owe it to yourself and you health to find out. All I can say is wow, and yes maybe for some the taste isn’t pleasant, the longer I’m on it the less I notice the taste. Some don’t taste anything, others like myself taste soap. Depends on the chemical composition of your body and how it reacts with the Nano. I highly encourage whatever it is for you, power through it. It’s not that deep, except the healing that can occur long term is seriously deep. I wish all of you the best, sending you love light and smiles and may god bless your life with this incredible product like he has me and so many others. I would tell you to be on this for at least 6 months before you make any major decision, but that’s just me and no I’m not affiliated with Nano Ojas, just love the Product
With the many ailments it addresses, Nano Ojas doesn't cease to amaze!
AAmit S.Verified buyerI feel a renewed sense of well being.... I am 80 years young, thanks to Nano-Ojas...
WWilliam C.Verified buyerNano-Ojas Skin Spray is AMAZING!! Everyone should have a bottle of this in their kitchen and carry one on them at all times. My kids have touched a hot pan on accident and I have sprayed the burn and the crying stopped immediately on contact. I have sprayed it on cat scratches and again pain instantly gone and it heals within a day or two. It is crazy how much the spray accelerates the healing time of cuts, scratches and burns. My kids ask me for the spray for any injury they have now and ask for it for their friends. It is the BEST!!!!! I highly recommend it!!!
JJulie S.Verified buyerI’m a 30 year old first time mom, who is 5 months postpartum and has been suffering from severe fatigue and back pains. In the initial days of breastfeeding, I was extremely tired due to lack of sleep. Since that was expected, I didn’t put much thought into it and took it one day at a time. Once my baby turned 5 months, sleep improved but my fatigue lasted. One morning I struggled to make it out of bed and couldn’t even turn around in my bed to feed my baby. My husband suggested that I try Nano to see if it’ll help as I was already taking my necessary multi vitamins. I was shocked to see that just within 2 weeks my energy levels had drastically improved but there was still some fatigue. Upon talking to one of the members of the Team Nano, they suggested increasing my dosage for the first month or two and then bringing it down to once a day. Nano has made a world of a difference and has made me be more present for my baby. I cannot recommend this product enough for any other new mom! This is THE secret for healthy moms!
AApoorvaWe love Nano-Ojas Immune spray. It has really helped us stay healthy through this dreadful winter season where there were million viruses around. We will be using Nano forever!
PPPrity P.Verified buyerPhenomenal Product. Had some liver/gallbladder discomfort coupled with constipation and it helped both in just the first day of using. Excited for see what the future holds.
DDavisWonderful for responding to rashes!
LMLilla M.I experience a wonderful feeling of well being along with a relaxing and healing night time sleep ..
WWilliam C.Verified buyerI have been using Nano-Ojas Immune Spray for about 5 years as an immune booster and was grateful for it through the Pandemic. I have recently been using the Skin Spray more on my aging face before I moisturize and most dramatically for itchy skin. In the winter my skin gets dry and itchy despite the use of lotions and oils. I have a few locations that are especially and consistently annoying. I decided to try the skin spray on a particularly persistent forearm location that began to develop a scaly patch. When I began using Nano-Ojas Skin Spry about 3 weeks ago on that spot the scaly area has receded to just a pinky spot and the itching has stopped. I expect the pink patch to disappear very soon with continued daily application.
LSLeo S.Verified buyer