I used it for itchy keratosis on my back and abdomen. It took several months of using it daily, but eventually seemed to relieve the itching which was a huge relief!
Have been using it for almost a month and so far I haven't noticed any particular result. Still working on it!
LTLawrence T.Verified buyerIt tastes terrible. I can handle some pretty bad tastes, even bitter, but this is one I'm having trouble swallowing (pun intended). The spray application is not to my liking either. I can't tell one way or the other if it's helping boost my immune system. It comes highly recommended and I agree with the company's overall concept, but it's not a product that I'm going to be able to support going forward. Sorry.
CGCarole G.Verified buyerWe have been using Nano-Ojas for only a couple of weeks so far. The most dramatic affect we have witnessed is that my husband suffers from Cold Sores when he is stressed physically or emotionally. He felt one coming up on his lip and sprayed it with the oral spray (not the skin spray). Immediately the progress halted and the sore completely dried up within the same day. Normally they become worse over several days and with vitamins and topical creams they last about a week, sometimes longer. He continued to spray the location for about 3 more days to be sure it didn't reignite. I have a strong constitution and rarely get sick, yet I welcome the additional immune boosting properties of this totally safe product.
DSDeborah S.Verified buyerBeautiful feeling after I spray. My eyes feel better and vision clearer. My bike butt rash after riding appears to be clearing up. I have only used product for 14 days I expect even more results
JGJennifer G.Verified buyerI started using Immune spray in October and was very pleased with results. It is now January and have been around numerous people with colds etc including grandkids and have not been sick at all, so i will contribute this to Nano-Ojas Immune Spray. thank you:)
MPMichelle P.When I started using Nanoojas, I had an ongoing phlegmatic problem that caused an annoying need to clear my throat by coughing and swallowing, but after about one week of using Nanoojas, I noticed a definite reduction in my needing to clear my throat as well as not having that horrible coughing, which as a smoker I appreciate greatly. After about three weeks, the phlegm in the back of my throat was practically gone. In addition to this, I noticed that my early morning sensitive stomach, linked to my throat problem, had diminished and I could have coffee and breakfast without feeling a nauseous lack of appetite. It used to be difficult for me to eat something in the morning, but after a few weeks of spraying Nanoojas into my mouth every morning upon waking up, I feel no more sensitive stomach/gastritis symptoms and can now enjoy breakfast without feeling the queasiness of a tight stomach or having digestive problems. Before using Nanoojas, I had first tried pharmaceuticals for both my throat and stomach but found them futile as they only temporarily camouflaged my symptoms which were replaced by other symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue or later came back much worse as soon as I stopped using them. Nanoojas is a very easy spray to use and has truly been wonderful for me. Recently, I've had a cold which didn't go into a bronchial condition as it usually does l when I get sick, in fact, it only ended up being a little sensitive throat and a bit of blowing my nose with hardly any coughing. Another outstanding result of Nano-ojas was when I sprayed it into my eye for a stye, which I thought I might have to surgically remove, but after 6 weeks of spraying my eye with Nano-ojas, the stye had completely gone away. I have spoken to friends about Nanoojas and they are already looking for it on Amazon! It's natural and easy to use, with no side effects and it works! A great discovery for me!
EEleniI would like to express my gratitude to Nanoojas for the beneficial results I've had using it in just a short period. Before starting my daily morning sprays into my mouth, about 3-4 squirts, I had suffered a year of rhinitis and sinus related problems, which include sneezing attacks of 10 to 15 sneezes in bouts that occurred throughout the day, normally up to 5 times. Now, after three weeks, I hardly ever sneeze, and if I do it never is more than two or three sneezes once a day. I'm not sure why and how I've had such a remarkable improvement with the use of Nanoojas, but it certainly makes my days more bearable. Related to all this is my nighttime snoring and regular coughing, probably due to the stuffiness and mucus, have been notably reduced to only occasional snoring which is not as annoying as it used to be and with very little coughing now, which my partner is also very happy about since it had made uninterrupted sleeping through the night only a dream before as I'd snore and cough so frequently that neither of us slept well. Another benefit I've noticed from my daily Nanoojas sprays is that my rheumatoid and osteoarthritis related swelling and aches in my joints, especially my feet, hips, shoulders and hands, have eased, even the ongoing sense of having excessively warm feet and hands has become less noticeable. What's more, this last week I caught a bronchial cold, and what would normally have lasted two or more weeks was over after about 5 days. I attribute all these improvements the the effectiveness of Nanoojas, and having tried both OTC and prescription medicine in the past, this is really wonderful because I truly want to limit the medicine I have to take if it's possible, I prefer to treat conditions in the most natural ways without the added side effects of medicines. Thank you so very much!
MMichelaNano-Ojas for eczema! Using Nano-Ojas has allowed me to finally have some control over the severe effect of eczema on my skin. Consistent use of Nano-Ojas been the tipping point that has allowed my body to heal. I used Nano-Ojas for the first time about a year ago at the recommendation of a family member. I had been struggling with eczema on my hands, arms, and legs for several years and was resorting to topical steroid creams to relieve the pain when it got reallyuncomfortable. When I used Nano-Ojas consistently last year, it worked. Eventually the eczema wasn’t a problem anymore and I stopped using the spray. This year, due to a variety of conditions, the eczema came back with a vengeance. This time it was covering my face. Reluctantly, I used steroid cream on my face at the recommendation of my dermatologist. But I knew I couldn’t do that for long and I was stressed about it coming back. Just in time, my family member again reminded me about Nano-Ojas and I took a huge sigh of relief at having an option that didn’t have long term side effects. Being my second time using Nano-Ojas for this skin condition, I knew a couple things about the healing process that are very important: 1. You have to use it EVERY DAY (morning & night) 2. It gets worse before it gets better The second point is a hard pill to swallow but it’s true. Because I immediately stopped using the topical steroids the same day I began using the Nano-Ojas spay, my skin had a healing reaction. This meant that yes, it appeared again in spots on my face and hands, back of the arms, and front of my legs. My regimen was 3 sprays internally, and spray application on every affected skin area. Followed up by a heavy, unscented moisturizer, TWICE a day. I maintained this regimen for several days before I thought, “this is getting unbearable. I might have to use the topical steroids for a day just to calm it down.” But I thought back to the experience I’d had the year before and decided to wait 24 hours before using the prescription again. And the next day, it was better! Today, about a month after beginning my regimen with Nano-Ojas, the eczema is 95% cleared from my skin. Eczema is really tricky because it’s so difficult to know what is causing it. When a healthy diet and supplements (and even prescription steroids) weren’t enough, Nano-Ojas gave my body the support it needed to heal (and stay healed) in a way that, after no long term help from topical steroids, seems unreal. I still use it daily internally, and externally anywhere that is still bothering me, but the important part is that it’s under control. At this point I can see an improvement externally within an hour of using it. Just don’t forget: 1. You have to use it EVERY DAY (consistency is key) 2. It might get worse before it gets better (the healing reaction is real in my case) Photos below document a few areas of my healing experience.
C***@***.***Verified buyerMy wife and I use the immune spray daily. Our young children use it and have since they were babies. We feel more energized and our kids are rarely sick with everything they are exposed to at school. So happy to have an all natural supplement for my family. It's really a blessing to have something like this.
KBKevin B.Verified buyer