RV Mods
RV Mods

RV Mods

Any ETA on when this will be back in stock? Showing out of stock 11/19/24. I need to order and replace my resin. Thanks!

Michael M.

We are just checking the physical stock we have in stock as we think the on line stock figure is incorrect. We will confirm this later on today These are now back in stock

Rvt 24 ..
from RV Mods

I have the CR spotless with the bypass valve to use tap water to rinse and then DI water for final rinse. Will this conversion allow for use of the DIC20 lids (Bypass filter attached)?


Providing that the blue cylinderrs are CR Spotless then yes they will.

Rvt 24 ..
from RV Mods

Hi guys. Who is the company or manufacturer of your DI spot free system? Thanks Rick in California


We manufacture our own products.

Rvt 24 ..
from RV Mods

SO for the DI-120 guys who want to do this conversion, I'm guessing for the left over amount (more then the duel setups) if be best to put it in an air tight buckets with water to it for storage shelf life?


Totally wrong. Keep the spare resin as airtight as possible and store in a cool dark place until needed.

Rvt 24 ..
from RV Mods

It stays on 000 before and after inserting into test water. I've watched video and read instructions. What am I doing wrong. Thank you


Are you wishing for the resin to be used up quicker. 000 means 100% DI water !

Rvt 24 ..
from RV Mods

Is it advisable to use a 1.8 gpm flow restrictor on the inlet side of the system? If so, it there a particular flow restrictor you recommend?

Curtis V.Verified buyer

Here is the link to Amazon that sell this type of product: https://www.amazon.com/Reducer-Limiter-Adapter-Restrictor-Handheld/dp/B0987DXXZQ/ref=sr_1_6?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Wj9nS--iDGaOJhS_xD_OLQh_E8HCG_UC_vQrQVsywcbLe6R4u_QMcuLMtGc5Gjgpt-7oePtc6scDWGAjoG8PaN8uwwQjUjSF-LaQTqCVxCh2NKHawQ4wl-QGAI4xGPuz-jDhv4HlRvxwcmBZ1RyibdbyVlXRtAli35EntNWiW5h0PzVzZ6XHt1D9X7Q-W0z2hCvsFRngnSRX43y7akpbqyli3_h9teMXBgIO7euqyb-T0VYI0GtRqU9yEnTKUZ-K0N8jJoll1ubnY76Bmd47DPo-MiWZGzHTQL45n1NHvTQ.ZbsMgxXtv00egWxWeKo0tZmYUPYiA8pkX6bIWW2njmI&ie=UTF8&useRedirectOnSuccess=1&ref_=dex_glow_signin&path=%2FReducer-Limiter-Adapter-Restrictor-Handheld%2Fdp%2FB0987DXXZQ%2Fref%3Dsr_1_6%3Fdib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Wj9nS--iDGaOJhS_xD_OLQh_E8HCG_UC_vQrQVsywcbLe6R4u_QMcuLMtGc5Gjgpt-7oePtc6scDWGAjoG8PaN8uwwQjUjSF-LaQTqCVxCh2NKHawQ4wl-QGAI4xGPuz-jDhv4HlRvxwcmBZ1RyibdbyVlXRtAli35EntNWiW5h0PzVzZ6XHt1D9X7Q-W0z2hCvsFRngnSRX43y7akpbqyli3_h9teMXBgIO7euqyb-T0VYI0GtRqU9yEnTKUZ-K0N8jJoll1ubnY76Bmd47DPo-MiWZGzHTQL45n1NHvTQ.ZbsMgxXtv00egWxWeKo0tZmYUPYiA8pkX6bIWW2njmI&dib_tag=se&keywords=flow+restrictor&qid=1717313506&sr=8-6

Rvt 24 ..
from RV Mods

My water is about 310 ppm from my tap. Is there any pre-filters you can recommend that may possibly extend the life of the resin?

Curtis V.

How does this unit compare to on the go deionizer or cr spotless? I wash about 125 to 150 cars a year what size tank would you suggest? Whats shelf life of resin in container? Looking to buy within a week.


Thank you for your e-mail, there is no comparison between our system and the CR spotless system as the CR spotless holds far less resin and filters in a different way producing lower DI water yield. It's really aimed at the hobbyist and doubt would be considered by a professional or semiprofessional detailer. Even our smallest unit the Pro 50 contains almost twice the quantity of resin than the CR spotless for virtually the same purchase price !!! Please red some of our reviews as this will show you what real people who purchase our systems think of the product. As for recommendation I would recommend the Pro 100 which hold 1 cu ft resin and depending on your water quality and if you use it as detailed should be able to cope with your volume of vehicles.

Rvt 24 ..
from RV Mods

Can you get this kit in Canada I have a DIC 20


Sorry we no linger ship to Canada.

Rvt 24 ..
from RV Mods

Hey, there I just received my 100 I have a question how do you use the plastic pipe to drain the resin ?

Gary S.Verified buyer

Please refer to the video "how to change resin" on our website. Here is the link. https://youtu.be/cLdF0tBTJRc

Rvt 24 ..
from RV Mods